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There has been a lot of scuttlebut about the�lemon cayenne pepper detox drink�and the�cayenne pepper�and Lemon Diet recently. The diet is supposedly the best diet in the world to lose weight quickly. That is debatable, but the benefits of the cayenne pepper lemon drink are not an urban myth.
For this article, I will focus on the lemon cayenne pepper detox drink. So, is it worthwhile? Should you utilize this unconventional drink to your health regime? In a word, yes. It is unconventional but has tremendous benefits, chief of which is that the lemon mitigates the native heat of the cayenne.
If you've ever tried to drink a teaspoon, or even a fourth of�a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, you know how hot it can be.
Combined with lemon makes the natural calidity or taste of the cayenne much more tolerable. While the cayenne pepper and lemon drink doesn't taste like a fruit beverage, it does make it much more drinkable.
Some also believe this drink, when taken regularly, helps the body burn fat tissue faster. That is possible, I suppose, but currently there are no studies to prove that. What is known is that the cayenne helps equalize the metabolism and is a general tonic for all the body. It allows the body to utilize nutrients better while feeding the cells. So, that is understood.
I suspect some people, though, will try this drink without lowering their empty caloric foods. In other words, treat it as a supplement. Eat better and less and you'll lose weight -- especially if you add taxing aerobic workouts to your regime.
Recently, there has been much discussion about a "new" cayenne pepper drink that�consists of filtered water, fresh Lemon juice, cayenne pepper, laxative tea and grade�B organic maple syrup.
I know the lemon cayenne pepper detox drink works well but this particular cleanse drink has been getting a lot of interest as entertainer Beyonce Knowles has supposedly lost a lot of weight due to this concoction.
Obviously, I don't know if that's true or not. What does incite interest, though, is the public's increasing interest to look at alternative means instead of blindly doing what a traditionally trained, allopathic doctor says to do, i.e., "take this prescription drug and it will make your world perfect."
This new concoction may be the real McCoy. I don't know. I might try it just to test it out and then give you a report. In the meantime, though, you can't go wrong in adding cayenne to your daily regime. So, try the�lemon cayenne pepper detox drink.
The lemon makes it a lot better to drink, in my experience. (As for the cayenne pepper lemon diet, I'll discuss that in a separate web page.)
Making the lemon cayenne pepper detox drink is simple. This is what you do:
As you can see, it's very simple. If you want to add maple syrup, add a teaspoon or more of it and stir well. The warmer the water, the quicker the maple syrup will dissipate.
Drinking cayenne pepper with lemon gives it some flavor and makes it easier to drink. I recommend drinking this lemon cayenne pepper detox drink all at once. It's not meant to be a drink to be sipped or savored the way you would a fruit drink or a milkshake.
Quick Tip:
Don't drink the�lemon cayenne pepper detox drink�right after doing an aerobic workout. Let your stomach settle for a minimum of half an hour before imbibing it. If not, you might be met with the most painful stomach ache you've ever experienced. I can personally testify as to that!!!
Cayenne is great for your health but use it wisely.
Yours in health,
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PR9.NET June 08, 2010 - Park West Gallery recently launched a website featuring the Park West Joan Miro Collection of artwork. A surrealist master, Joan Miro is viewed by many as one of the most innovative and influential artists of the 20th Century. Park West is proud to be a world-wide source for Miro graphic works and has been for the past forty years.
The active and archived Park West Gallery Miro Collection includes more than 1000 works. These include intaglio graphic works, lithographs, drawings, and works created "after" Miro paintings in lithography and pochoir (an early form of stencil printing) under the artist's supervision and control.
"Miro's artistic legacy is huge," comments Morris Shapiro, Park West Gallery's Director. "Although he was one of the least understood masters of modern art during his lifetime and still even today, his work has influenced countless artists. He was the driving force behind visual surrealism and worked tirelessly creating one of the greatest collections of graphic works in history. We at Park West are delighted to now share our extraordinary collection with visitors to our new Miro website."
Art enthusiasts can view multiple galleries of Joan Miro graphic works while learning about the motivation behind the works on the Park West Joan Miro website. Also featured on the site is a thorough biography highlighting both personal and artistic milestones in Miro's life.
Visit the Park West Gallery Joan Miro website at
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The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Below are some of the testimonials I've received from some of the readers from around the world.� I thank all of you for being thoughtful and taking the time to write to me about your successes that you've had with my Truth about Six Pack Abs program and for allowing me to share your thoughts with the world about how you enjoyed this program.
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs here
The Truth about Six Pack Abs Reader Responses below:�
Leith Carnie from Australia
"...I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter... Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program..."
Leith's changes from using TruthAboutAbs�at 7�months and 11 months
I had been talking about this program for MONTHS, saying "I'll get it next pay..."� Finally a friend of mine got sick of my procrastination and just bought it for me as a gift.
I began the program on the 5th of February (about a month after my Dec 25th pic). �Its now 18th July and Im still going strong. So I thought I would send in my results so far.
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs hereThe Program is FREAKIN BRILLIANT!!!
Before I started your program, I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter.... and fatter. I didn't really notice it until my friend took a photo of me at the beach. I was horrified!!!! I knew I had to do something about it, but I couldn't move the fat.
Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program.� In the 6 months I've been on the program, I've lost 25.4 kg and gone from 30% body fat down to 11% body fat.
I have been sending friends photos of my progress and then the link to your site.
Leith Carnie, Australia
(Update on Leith's results:� as seen in his 3rd pic above, Leith has dropped even more body fat in the last 4 months, and even has six pack abs now.� This just shows the changes you can make in your body if you apply the info in TruthAboutAbs. Great job Leith!)
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs here
�Stephanie Hurst from Tulia, Texas
"...I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs... It?s been a total lifestyle change..."
Stephanie before using Truth About Abs
nbsp;���������� Stephanie after getting great results
I attached a couple photos to show you how far I've come since starting your was quite shocking to see what I looked like just last year!!� I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry...but tears of joy this time, as I'm so thankful for how much progress I've made.
Not only do I feel so healthy and vibrant, but I feel that I look younger now too! Its wonderful! I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs. I?m so passionate about your book and style of's absolutely amazing...I don?t crave unhealthy stuff anymore...I have eliminated an insane sweet tooth.
I happened upon your book about 9 months ago. Once I downloaded and printed your ebook, I read it once, and then again. There is so much information in there that expands beyond just working out and abs.� The nutritional information was fascinating, and I believe that was what helped me get to where I am today.� The workouts are also so challenging, and talk about breaking a sweat!� I love it.
I have SO MANY people ask me what diet I was doing to lose all that weight. They just don't understand that I'm not on a diet... It?s been a total lifestyle change. I would recommend your book to anyone!� I feel exceptional, and I am in the best shape of my life!
I hope that my testimonial will help you out, as well as other people that have struggled to get in shape. Thank you so much!!
Stephanie Hurst
Tulia, Texas
"...When I started I was 190 lbs, waist 35 inches, bench was 165lbs.�I'm now 175 lbs, with a waist of 33 inches, and benching 225lbs..."
I have been following your workout plans from your book for past couple months.� I wanted you to know that I have seen great results.� When I started I was 190 lbs, waist 35 inches, bench was 165lbs.�
I'm now 175 lbs, with a waist of 33 inches, and benching 225lbs.� Your full body workouts are some of the best I've ever used.� I'm also making much better food choices now based on your advice and staying away from the junk I used to have trouble with. Thanks for everything.
John P. Hembree, Sergeant, US Military�
"...I am down now to between 7-8% body fat (according to my Tanita scale), have lost a total of 3-4 inches in the waist..."
John before using TruthAboutAbs
John in recent pic (great job John!)
Hello Mike,
Thanks for your ebook Truth About Abs.� I used it in the first 5 months or so this year and had great results!� I attached pictures for you to see the progress I've made so far.
Anyway, I am down now to between 7-8% body fat (according to my Tanita scale), have lost a total of 3-4 inches in the waist, lost a total of about 24 lbs, and got my 6 pack abs! I do have a lot of people ask me about weight loss supplements, but I have started telling people to forget it and get your book instead.� Thanks,
John Howlett
President, Healthy-Sunshine, Inc.
�"...I looked like "barrel boy" with no definition and a bonafide gut last year. I'm down from 24% bodyfat to 7.4% bodyfat currently! ..."
Greg's results from last year to this year
Mike, I don't know if you actually monitor this email address, so if an assistant does, please forward this to Mike.
I owe you a lot of thanks Mike. Your program grabbed my attention last year when I was at an all-time (lifetime even) self esteem and physique low.
I've been on your program for almost exactly one year now and as you can see from my pics, I've completely changed my life. I didn't do any of those typical holding the newspaper pics, but I did luckily save a couple pics for you.
These pics are from last year to this year. I just want you to know and see what�you've done for me. Anyway, I looked like "barrel boy" with no definition and a bonafide gut last year.
I'm down from 24% bodyfat to 7.4% bodyfat currently!
I'm so glad I found your program. I'm extremely proud of myself and extremely grateful to you. This is going to sound cliche, but I've become the go-to guy around the office for fitness questions and I've inspired (not by talk but by action and lifestyle) people around me to quit being so damned disrespectful to their bodies.
This has been a total body (and mindset) transformation -- and I haven't even set foot in a gym. All done at home, with just some of the simple basics you recommended and my own motivation, intensity and dedication -- and with NO slow cardio at all.�
Lazy no more, and now lean for life,
-Greg S.
"...I did start applying your diet and food recommendations, and even with just that, I've already lost 6 lbs (10 lbs to go)..."�
Dear Mike,�
I thoroughly read your e-book a few weeks ago but have been too busy lately to get myself to the gym. However, I did start applying your diet and food recommendations, and even with just that, I've already lost 6 lbs (10 lbs to go).� I finally got to the gym this morning and printed out your e-book to bring with me.
I did some of the workout examples you specified like the one arm snatches, dumbbell swings, staggered lunges and all the ab exercises (from level 3).�
Man, that was one of the best and most intense workouts I have had in ages!� I did not waste hours jogging or doing all that other stuff I used to do (which by the way never got me anywhere).� I am so excited to go back to the gym and have your book with me as a personal trainer's guide.
Thank you so much!
Laura Kawasmi, Brownsville, TX
"...I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do..."
Hi Mike.�I have just recently started your program and i LOVE it so much.� I just wanted to tell you how fantastic I think your approach and lay out to losing stomach fat is. I'm already feeling the effects of your workouts.� My body feels firmer and fitter and I look forward to the sweat.
Truth be told I was BORED TO TEARS with our usual routine at the gym. Not to mention it wasn't really getting my stomach flat!!� I love your approach cause it explains everything, and I am a person that needs to know the reasons for why I am doing what I am doing! I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do.
Following your program I am certainly getting the heart pumping and the sweat is flowing like I've never felt before.� It feels great. Thanks, and I will keep you posted!
Michelle Smith, Ontario, Canada
"...I am well on my way to being in the best shape of my life at 39 years of age..."
I have been on your program for the last three or four weeks. All I can say is WOW! I have been body building for well over 20 years and I can honestly say that you have allowed me to break out of what I call the classical mess of weight lifting.
I have made some great gains and I am well on my way to being in the best shape of my life at 39 years of age. I get a kick out of the Guys at the gym when they see me perform some of your exercises. They often come up and ask what I am doing.
I just tell them, as I struggle to regain my breath, "I'm just mixing it up a bit" and then watch them as they go back and waste their time with bicep curls for the next half hour.
Now I'm trying to get my wife onboard using your program as well. Thank you so much for doing what you do and keep the emails coming. This is the best $39 I have ever spent. Thanks,
Luis Acevedo, Dallas, Texas
"...After a few weeks on your workouts, i can now see lines on the side of my stomach and my abs appearing even more visibly..."
Hi Mike. Just wanted to let you know, your interval and weight training methods in your e-book are working perfect! Before i got your e-book, i could see my six pack abs a little bit. After a few weeks on your workouts, i can now see lines on the side of my stomach and my abs appearing even more visibly. I still have a little fat, but not much at all. Thanks!
Andreas Beirholm, Denmark
"...Yesterday a colleague of mine said, "you're looking very toned, what are you doing?" I felt GREAT..."�
Hi Mike, I'm a 52 year old woman who started your truth about abs program about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Yesterday a colleague of mine said, "you're looking very toned, what are you doing?" I felt GREAT!! It's working!!! Thanks Mike, I was one of those 1 & 1/2 hr treadmillers and couldn't understand (even though I look good) why I couldn't get rid of those fat pockets! Now I understand. I will keep you abreast of my progress... Again, thank you,
Cynthia Ward, Locust Grove, Georgia
"...I started taking your advice recently and eventually lost those extra 10 pounds of fat I wanted to lose! ...I am 38 years old and now have a 32 inch waist..."
�� I wanted to thank you for all the advice and motivation you have shared with me in your book & newsletter.� I feel great!� The other day at a family gathering, my family and friends gave me so many compliments.� They told me I looked good and asked me what in the world I was doing to be in such great shape.�
I have been working out for about two and a half years but I just couldn't lose the last 10 pounds of body fat I wanted to lose.� I started taking your advice recently and eventually lost those extra 10 pounds of fat I wanted to lose!� I did it your way which to me is the smart way.�
I am 38 years old and now have a 32 inch waist.� It took a lot of discipline but you helped me reach my goal! One of my cousins just looked at me and kept saying WOW! WOW! WOW!
Thanks so much!
Mike Castaneda
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs here
"...this program has given me new motivation and kickstarted my results. Thanks Mike!"
Dear Mike,
I just read your Truth About 6-Pack Abs and I think it has some great stuff in it that I never realized before.� I really couldn't put the book down.� I enjoy the fact that you are not just telling readers what to do with a promise that results will be achieved, but explaining the reasons behind your strategy supported by research.
I have been exercising on my own my entire life, but I really hit a plateau during the last few years, and this program has given me new motivation and kickstarted my results. Thanks Mike!
Pete Maguire, Brookline, Mas.
"...A loss of�7 inches in�11 weeks! ..."
Hi Mike
I was searching for a program to genuinely help me lose body fat and get a six pack.� I came across your website and the money back guarantee you offered suggested to me that you believed in what you were offering & not just interested in selling your e-book. Anyway, I made the purchase on the basis that I'd give it a try and if it wasn't any good I'd ask for my money back.
Before I started with the program I weighed 80kg and my waist size was 42 inches.� After�11 weeks I still weigh about 80kg but my waist size is now 35 inches.� A loss of�7 inches in�11 weeks! Since my weight stayed about the same, that means I gained muscle while losing�7 inches of fat from my waist!
My strength and energy are also improving each week and I'm lifting heavier weights as I progress. Family and friends�that haven't seen me in weeks can't believe�how much�leaner and slimmer I look now.
I'm really glad that I bought your e-book and stuck to the programs. I still have a little more body fat to lose, but I can already tell that a visible six pack is just a few more weeks away!
Thank you for all the advice and words of motivation. This entire experience is far more than what I was expecting for my money!
Imtiaz Girach, UK
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs here
"...The belly I have been trying to battle is shrinking by the day..."
Thank you for changing the way I workout. After years of fooling myself into thinking I was getting a good workout, your book, The Truth About Abs, has revitalized not only my workouts, but also my life. Working out regularly for over 10 years, I became increasingly frustrated at my lack of progress.
Despite doing over an hour of cardio at least three times a week and lifting three times a week as well, I wasn't in good shape.� Also, despite my workout attempts, I was also getting what you have termed as the "skinny fat" appearance.
Seeing no outward or inward results, I sunk into such a rut I was ready to quit exercising. That was when a friend recommended your ebook.�� After only a month-and-a-half of doing the routines diagrammed in your book, my physical appearance has improved dramatically. Not only that, but my endurance has increased to the point that I can handle a full hockey game and not get gassed. In fact, I get stronger as the game goes on. Just that alone was well worth the $40 I spent.�
Following your diet tips has also given me more energy throughout the day. I no longer "crash" halfway through my work day and no longer crave the sugary foods I used to. The belly I have been trying to battle is shrinking by the day. After years of working out, I am only now finally getting compliments for how "toned and ripped" I appear.��
Once again, thanks for giving me that boost I so needed in my workouts and for improving my quality of life.�
-John Crawford, Collingswood, NJ
Order The Truth About 6 Pack Abs here"...I've definitely been doing all of the wrong types of cardio and the wrong types of strength exercises..."
Mike, I'm truly excited after starting your program. After reading through all of your info, I can't believe how many things I was wasting my time with or even just doing plain WRONG! I've definitely been doing all of the wrong types of cardio and the wrong types of strength exercises as well.
Thanks again for giving me this much-needed education into a very important topic... my health & well being (not to mention looking great also!)
-Sandra Torrez, San Antonio, Texas
"...I finally found something now that works to lose fat and flatten my stomach..."
Hey Mike
I just purchased your ebook about 2 weeks ago and I love it!� The workouts are great - better than any workout I've done before.� I've been that person who has tried all the fad diets, diet pills, and bought my fair share of infomercial ab machines!� At least I finally found something now that works to lose fat and flatten my stomach!
Thanks for your help,
Amy Brunetti, Chicopee, MA�
"...I can already feel my pants starting to loosen ..."
Hey Mike,
Just wanted to say thanks for making such a good book. Ive only been using it for about 2 weeks and I can already feel my pants starting to loosen and I have the confidence to go outside without feeling like I have to wear a sweatshirt to hide my gut. Thanks again for your work,
Jason K. C., North Dakota
"...and surprisingly, I can already see some positive changes to my body..."
"Hi Mike
I started your�workouts last week, and surprisingly, I can already see some positive changes to my body! I�definitely feel these working me better than anything else I've tried. I really like the interesting way that you turn a weights workout into a cardio workout as well. I can see already that if I keep on doing this progressively, I'll surely have my old body shape back in no time :)
Ok catch you soon. Thanks again Mike, you're superb!"
-Ellin Hazrin, Kingsford, Australia
"...i have to say i've never had such a good workout..."
Mike, you can use this for your testimonials if you want...
I have to say...You are a genious. Gave 1 of your workouts a go on friday and i have to say i've never had such a good workout. I've been going to the gym for years now and have been doing 40 solid minutes of quite high level cardio but using just 10 minutes of your style of inverval training felt like it worked me so much better.
I also used to spend an hour on my abs when i worked out and never really felt it. After doing this workout on friday i really felt like i'd earned my protein shake! Plus I got my workout done much quicker than my old workouts...It's quite incredible!
Dave Haddow, UK
"...HOLY CRAP, those workouts get me sweating like nothing else..."
Hey Mike,
I ordered your 'Truth About Six Pack Abs' online a couple weeks ago. I have been doing some of the beginner and intermediate level workout routines. HOLY CRAP, those workouts get me sweating like nothing else. I especially love/hate the squat presses and renegade rows.
I'm also starting to get the hang of your diet methods, which are actually more enjoyable than the way I used to eat. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the useful info and your obvious care for healthy lifestyles of your readers. Thanks again,
Kyle LeDoux, Santa Clarita, CA�
"...I'm now really pumped up to change my workouts from 2 hours a day and lots of cardio to your quicker and more effective methods..."
Hi Mike,
I've been doing sit-ups for years and have a vague 6 pack outline but can't get rid of that fatty bit at the bottom of my stomach to reveal�the abs�better. I've recently bought your ab book and read it front to back.� Can I just say that everything you talk about, I've never had explained to me before and to be honest, I'm blown away!
Everything makes so much more sense now.� I'm now really pumped up to change my workouts from 2 hours a day and lots of cardio to your quicker and more effective methods. Many thanks for helping me straighten out my flawed workout habits and fitness!
Best regards,
Patrick Mulcrone, Middlesex, UK
"...I have been on your program for about�4 solid weeks. In that time I have dropped 15 pounds of fat already..."
Hey Mike,� I have been on your program for about�4 solid weeks. In that time I have dropped 15 pounds of fat already!� I cannot believe the results and it doesn't take up too much of my time. I used to workout 5 days minimum for over an hour each time and I felt rundown and I wasn't seeing the results I wanted.
Now with your workout program and advice on nutrition I feel energized and happier than ever. What's great about your workouts is you never get bored. You can mix things up and most importantly, NO MORE boring treadmill cardio sessions!� I workout 3 times a week now and for about 45 minutes each time. Mike, you are a life saver and I would recommend your book to anyone!"
Larry Salvatoriello - Brick, New Jersey�
"...the results are coming quickly too! (without any special expensive or dangerous pills..."
Mike, the main thing I like about your program (apart from great results!) is the satisfaction I get from the workouts. After just a few sets of your unique exercises in the Truth About Abs (Renegade rows and One arm snatches being my favourites :))� I can feel that my body has been worked thoroughly and after a full session, I simply feel great...and exhausted!! And the results are coming quickly too! (without any special expensive or dangerous pills)
Thank you very much,
Timur Kary-Niyazov, Rugby School, UK.
"Hi Mike - Great book! I am following your workout plans detailed in the book and the diet�tips and seeing great results. I am only training every other day, and keeping the intensity pretty high. So far so good.� Thanks!"
Sky Gornik, San Diego, CA
"...using your methods for about 2 months now and I've finally started to see my abs ..."
Dear Mike,
I'm so excited about your abs ebook, it's been working GREAT for me! I've been using your methods for about 2 months now and I've finally started to see my abs (FINALLY) coming out. This after spending tons of money on all kinds of garbage that didn't work over the years. Thank you,
Junio Fermin, Monroe Twp, NJ
"...for 7 weeks now and i've successfully dropped 20 pounds of body fat so far..."
Hey Mike,
I have been on your Truth about Six Pack Abs program for 7 weeks now and i've successfully dropped 20 pounds of body fat so far! My workout and eating habits have improved greatly based on your advice in the book and email newsletters. I feel like a new man! Thank you for everything.
Matt Rosenow, Buffalo, NY
"...intergrating your program into my routines and using your diet tips, I have practically achieved my dream physique and I am spending less time than ever in the gym..."
Hey Mike,
I just wanted to let you know I am enjoying great success with your abs fat loss program. I have always been in decent shape and maintained a good physique, but with the help of your program over the last couple months, I have taken my fitness to new levels.
By intergrating your program into my routines and using your diet tips, I have practically achieved my dream physique and I am spending less time than ever in the gym. It is truly amazing...who would have thought?� Thanks again for everything.
George M., Ashland, VA
"...For the first time in my life, I feel like I can see exactly what I need to do to reach my goal of a body that is fit, lean, and showing a six-pack..."
Hey Mike,
I just keep reading and re-reading your powerful and insightful messages in your book and bonus materials regarding what it takes to achieve a lifetime of health and fitness and I marvel at how incredibly simple you make it all seem. Your advice is dead-on and yet adopting the necessary mind set and discipline continues to allude most of us who want so much to attain the fittest bodies possible, yet we continue to struggle with falling for fads and supplements. I can FINALLY say that I am so done with that CRAP!
Your positive comments and words of encouragement (not to mention your sound fitness advice in your book) are�exactly what I needed to keep focused and my "eye on the prize". For the first time in my life, I feel like I can see exactly what I need to do to reach my goal of a body that is fit, lean, and showing a six-pack! Keep the information flowing... you're awesome dude and I am so glad I came across you and purchased your Truth about Abs book. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about achieving their ultimate health and fitness goals! Thanks again for your support and your prompt reply to my e-mail. Now I need to get back to reading your book. I can't get enough of it!
-Todd Brennan
Fairfield, California
" training methods and lifestyle have changed dramaticaly and I am FINALLY getting results I should have gotten years ago..."
Hey Mike,
I would like to let you know that since I read your Truth about Abs book, my training methods and lifestyle have changed dramaticaly and I am FINALLY getting results I should have gotten years ago! It is refreshing to find someone who is actually trying to sell the truth and not�scam us on some crappy contraption or supplement. Thank you very much for all the great info in your book and newsletters!
-Peter Morrisey, Munster, Ireland
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New York artist David Ellis, known for his stunning motion paintings, will be in residence at the Visual Arts Center (VAC) from March 22 to April 30 to create an original video commissioned by Landmarks, the public art program at The University of Texas at Austin.
The video will premiere at the inaugural opening exhibition at the VAC in September. The VAC is a collaboration and exhibition space within the Department of Art and Art History where artists, faculty and students gather to create and explore contemporary art. In collaboration with Landmarks, the VAC will provide a workspace for Ellis in its Vaulted Gallery. He will set up a studio-like environment where he will create a large-scale painting on the floor. Creating new images daily he will document his painting process with a high-definition camera installed overhead. This process will be edited to create a separate video piece, known as a motion painting.
As part of his residency, Ellis will work with students in painting and production to help create his video. He will also speak to a number of classes in Studio Art and conduct individual studio visits with graduate students. He is slated to talk with students in Professor Mike Smith's performance art class and Professor Teresa Hubbard's digital art class, conduct walk-throughs of his work with Leslie Mutchler's two-dimensional foundations class and contribute critiques of Michael Ray Charles' advance painting class.
Ellis will be seeking students with painting, sculpting, transmedia or set design experience to assist him with painting and production. Students interested in working with Ellis should e-mail Nicole Vlado, Landmarks internal affairs coordinator,
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While direct mail is currently the top avenue for businesses, online channels are expected to surpass it within the next 12 months, according to TMCnet. Social media is the top emerging platform for many B2B firms, with 88 percent maintaining a social media presence. Professional sites, such as LinkedIn, are the most popular, followed by microblogs, including Twitter.
TMCnet�quotes the DMA as saying, "these results clearly underscore the recognition that marketers see the need to experiment with new marketing channels which offer the opportunity to break through the marketing clutter with more personal and engaging messaging."
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Let?s start the week off right with a white iPhone sighting, an Apple commercial?s debut, and a whole new meaning for ?Google TV.? That and more in the remainders for Monday, January 24, 2010.
White iPhone 4 appears in AT&T?s online system (Boy Genius Report)
Boy Genius Report says that AT&T?s online account management system is now showing entries for 16GB and 32GB white iPhone 4s. (Apple?s latest word on the ivory phones? arrival pegged them�for spring 2011.) And here I was despondent that speculation was dead in the wake of the Verizon iPhone announcement.
New AT&T Verizon iPhone 4 Commercial (YouTube)
Speaking of the fast-approaching Bizarro iPhone, here?s Apple?s first commercial showing off the Verizon and AT&T iPhones side-by-side. I hope they?re not totally identical, or else we?re going to be really sad when we can?t make calls from our Verizon phone either.
$10K iTunes Winner Hung Up On Apple, Thought It Was a Prank [Exclusive] (Cult of Mac)
On the topic of interrupted phone calls, the woman who downloaded the ten billionth app from the App Store actually hung up when a representative from Apple called to congratulate her. Gail Davis thought it was a prank call, so she told the rep she wasn?t interested. Fortunately, the matter was eventually resolved and she received her $10,000 iTunes gift card. On the downside, poor Ms. Davis is probably now going to be second-guessing every e-mail she gets from a deposed Nigerian prince.
Exclusive: Apple Taps Former Navy Information Warrior for Global Director of Security (All Things Digital)
According to All Things Digital?s Arik Hesseldahl, Apple has hired security expert David Rice to be its global director of security. Previously, Rice worked as a Special Duty Cryptologic officer in the U.S. Navy and an analyst at the National Security Agency. So I guess it remains to be seen how he?ll do in a truly secretive environment.
Google?s Schmidt eyeing TV (New York Post)
And now for an Eric Schmidt chaser. The Google CEO, who last week announced his intention to step down from the role, has reportedly been talking with a CNN producer about hosting a show on the network. Allow me to share my short list of potential titles for the program:
Eric Schmidt, Ph.D.
Street View with Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt 360�, 24/7, 365, Live, Outside Your House Right Now
Creepy Time with Eric Schmidt
Schmidt My Dad Says
I think we have a winner.
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Only Microsoft knows how the next version of its Windows operating system will look and what it will be called, but big changes could be ahead for the OS observers refer to as "Windows 8."
At this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Microsoft announced that Windows 8 will support system-on-a-chip architectures using ARM processors. Unlike the x86 architecture that today's Windows laptops and desktops work with, ARM-based chips tend to run such low-power devices as tablets and smartphones.
In his CES keynote speech, Microsoft CEO Steve Ball�mer said, "This announcement is really all about enabling a new class of hardware, and new silicon partners for Windows, to bring the widest possible range of form factors to the market."
In other words, Windows won't be just for laptops and desktops anymore.
Microsoft's ARM announcement represents the firm's only officially released factual detail about Windows 8. Consistent with it, the company named Nvidia, Qualcomm, and Texas Instruments as silicon partners, so Windows devices built upon their three low-power platforms are likely.
At an architectural summit in London last year, Microsoft en��couraged the idea of virtualizing Windows more heavily, possibly storing apps, data, Windows settings, and parts of the OS itself in the cloud.
No rumor about Windows 8 is more precise than a series of leaked slides that supposedly provide a blueprint for Microsoft's next OS. The slides alone don't indicate final features of Windows 8, but they do show where Microsoft is headed, especially since other reports have corroborated them.
One slide, for example, talks about an OS that follows users wherever they go; instead of being tethered to hardware, users may roam between desktops, laptops, and tablets in whatever way is most convenient.
Another slide speaks of a reset button that preserves apps and settings while wiping out viruses and other hindrances. Some industry watchers suggest that storing apps and data in the cloud could make this feature possible.
As for Microsoft's goal of "instant on" computing, blogger Manan Kakkar spotted a Microsoft patent for using a hypervisor-another virtualization method-to split the operating system into a general-purpose OS and a number of appliancelike applications, such as for TVs and tablets. Those uses, Kakkar says, could switch on instantly even if the core OS took 30 seconds to start up.
How will Microsoft achieve these lightweight versions of its operating system? A ru��mor circulated by Paul Thurrott posits that Windows 8 will introduce a tile-based interface called "Mosh" to serve as an alternative UI for tablets and other low-power touchscreen devices.
We've also heard rumblings about a new application de��velopment framework code-named "Jupiter," whose goal is to help developers create dynamic, visually appealing, and immersive applications for a forthcoming Windows app store. It may also be an attempt by Microsoft to enable developers to create apps that work on both traditional x86-based CPUs and ARM-based processors without extensive recompiling and reprogramming.
If you doubt whether Windows 8 will be a profoundly different operating system from its predecessors, consider this breathless bit of hype that briefly appeared on a Microsoft developer's blog in 2009:
"The minimum that folks can take for granted is that the next version will be something completely different from what folks usually expect of Windows...The themes that have been floated truly reflect what people have been looking [for] for years and it will change the way people think about PCs and the way they use them. It is the future of PCs."
Microsoft quickly removed the blog, as if to erase the evidence. So is the company really trying to shake things up with Windows 8?
Microsoft clearly wants to create an operating system that scales between devices. ARM support provides the foundation, and cloud services could be a major building block. The challenge for Microsoft will be to leave the core Windows experience and legacy compatibility intact while also pursuing its lofty ambitions.
A final rumor: Reportedly, Microsoft is targeting a 2012 release for Windows 8. Think the company can get everything figured out by then?
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Sony's PlayStation Portable successor will include 3G wireless and an active matrix OLED screen, claims Japanese newspaper Nikkei. The latest rumor's popped up just days before Sony is expected to unveil the PSP2 at a press event.
Mark your calendars, because we'll know one way or another on January 27 (this Thursday).
Nikkei claims the 3G service would allow consumers to play games online as well as download software and movies, but notes it won't support phone calls. Whether that includes independent voice-over-IP apps like Skype--a service enthusiastically supported on the current PSP--remains to be seen.
And whether 3G support would be enabled in the U.S. is another question no one else picking up the rumor seems to be asking. Nikkei reports Japan's 3G provider will be NTT DoCoMo, Japan's largest carrier, but the news service says nothing about Sony's international plans.
No one's leaked 3G service plans or whether 3G might be offered for free, as with Amazon's Kindle, but then no one's really talking in an official capacity about any of this.
The other rumored tidbit involves the PSP2's display, which Nikkei says will sport a "larger than normal" OLED (organic light-emitting diode). If true, the upsides of employing OLED technology in a PSP-style device could include lowered manufacturing costs (passed on to consumers?), lighter weight, wider and brighter viewing angles, lower power consumption (improved battery life), and faster response rates.
That last point should reverberate with current PSP owners. The PSP 3000's launch display had notable interlacing issues, suffering from visible "banding" across the screen during motion, particular when panning the camera around a 3D scene. Earlier models had response time or "ghosting" issues, resulting in visible screen blur.
In any event, isn't it curious that Sony's PSP plans keep showing up weeks in advance of official reveals. Is Sony itself leaking for the free PR? Apple's iPhone aside, how many completely fictional devices (hey, as far as as we know, it doesn't exist) get this much air time?
Source: Nikkei (via Andriasang)
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Mobile phones can turn up in most unlikely places ?as everyone who's mislaid one will know ? but researchers at the University of Surrey and Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) have taken things to an extreme.
The boffins have developed 'STRaND-1', a satellite based around that will be launched into orbit around the Earth later this year. STRaND-1 (Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator) has been developed to demonstrate that working satellites could be constructed through the use of off-the-shelf components.
However, because smartphones have not been developed to be used as satellites, there needs to be some extensive testing. A powerful computers housed at the Surrey Space Centre, which is based at the university, will test the phone's workings once it's in space. The computer will check which components of the phone are operating normally and when components malfunction in orbit for recovery
STRaND-1's lead researcher Dr Chris Bridges said, "Smartphones pack lots of components ? such as sensors, video cameras, GPS systems and Wi-Fi radios ? that are technologically advanced but a fraction of the size, weight and cost of components used in existing satellite systems. And because many smartphones also run on free operating systems that lend themselves to online software developers, the creators of applications ('apps') for smartphones could feasibly develop apps for satellites."
The collaboration between SCC and SSTL means that the company benefits from the University of Surrey's space engineering research, while researchers and students get the chance to design, build and fly real space hardware alongside engineers from a world-leading small satellite provider.
And this collaboration could have far-reaching implications for the industry. "If a smartphone can be proved to work in space, it opens up lots of new technologies to a multitude of people and companies for space who usually can't afford it. It's a real game-changer for the industry," said Dr Bridges.
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"While the language of flowers and foliage is a dead language today, the dictionaries for this language still exist and inspire the more romantic, or devious, among us. If that includes you, here are some suggestions."
In the mid 1800s, when someone created a bouquet, they created a message too. The message wasn't written in a letter or on a card, but in the flowers and foliage that made up the bouquet.
For the educated at that time, flowers and foliage had assigned meanings. So the combinations used to make bouquets conveyed messages, to be read only by others in-the-know.
The mythical origins of the language explains that they came from Turkey where a French painter wooed a Harem girl. He took her back to France as his wife where she taught European women to speak with flowers and foliage to their lovers. The Europeans then taught everyone else.
Some plant meanings are obvious, like the Venus' Fly-Trap signifying deceit and danger. Ouch! And a Lemon Branch meaning zest or vigor. Zing!
Some meanings are obvious if you know the Latin name for the flower, like the Daffodil. In Latin it's called a Narcissus, named for the vain god. The Daffodil signifies egotism.
The more interesting are the counter-intuitive ones, like a Cactus symbolizing warmth. But if you think about it, the Cactus grows in a warm climate. The prickliness is ignored.
It's interesting to note that some meanings are different than meanings we commonly accept today, such as for the Shamrock. It does not symbolize luck, but instead means lightheartedness.
And the holiday-season favorite, Mistletoe, does not mean a kiss, but instead means "I surmount difficulties". Perhaps the difficulty surmounted is how to get a certain person to let you kiss them, or how to get a certain person to kiss you? Just a thought...
One plant meaning is still commonly known. The Olive Branch is the universal symbol of peace. And you do still hear people say someone is as solid as an Oak. The Oak symbolizes bravery.
While the language of flowers and foliage is a dead language today, the dictionaries for this language still exist and inspire the more romantic, or devious, among us. If that includes you, here are some suggestions.
I'll leave you with an Oak leaf with an Olive Branch, or the wish that you're brave enough to seek peace where you now have strife.
This article Copyright �2007 - Candida Martinelli. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission.
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