Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Review: Mad Skills Motocross for iPhone

?If you're in the market for a fast-paced arcade-style racing game it doesn't get much better than Mad Skills Motocross.? ?It?s a huge amount of fun for the price and you?ll find yourself easily spending hours trying to shave off a few precious milliseconds from your previous best time.? ?While Mad Skills Motocross may look like another casual racer, it is in fact a very technical and challenging title to master, giving hardcore racing fans and gamers a run for their money.? ?Mad Skills Motocross is a must-have iPhone game for any racing game fan.? - Must-Have iOS Game of the Week on - iPhone Game of the Day on - App of the Week on Description: Turning a fan-favorite genre on its head, the hyper-addictive Mad Skills Motocross plays and feels like no other side-scrolling racing game. The unparalleled physics engine and unexpected power-ups give you a level of control that you have to play to believe. Launch off an enormous jump, land on your rear wheel, hit the throttle, and leave your opponent in a spray of dirt?then brag about it on Facebook and Twitter! Mad Skills Motocross is fun for novices but deep enough for nearly endless competitive high-level play. You?ll need to master wheelies, stoppies, nitro, rocket boots, backflips, front flips, and much more to truly be the best. See what players of the desktop version of Mad Skills Motocross have known since 2009: it?s the best side-scrolling motocross game ever made. Get it today! Features: * Compete on 52 tracks, from easy to very technical * Compete in Career or Time Attack modes * Use five different power-ups to find faster ways through tracks * Send ?ghosts? to your friends to race via OpenFeint Challenges * Race ?ghosts? of your own or your friends? best times * Watch replays of your best races * Rub in victories over friends on Facebook and Twitter * Dominate the OpenFeint leaderboards * Collect OpenFeint achievements See the official trailer here:

Mad Skills Motocross Review

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