If cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum or Capsicum fastigiatum) is not�the king of medicinal herbs it is certainly a prince among them. Its health benefits are many, varied, and are truly astonishing.
Many from around the world recount amazing results from using cayenne pepper (or capsicum as it's sometimes called)�for simple healing as well in the battling and elimination of challenging health problems.
Cayenne pepper powder comes from�red hot chili peppers that are not only good to eat but are great for your health.�Where does cayenne come from? The fruit or body of the peppers�are dried then ground down,�pulped and baked into cakes, which are then�sifted to make the�spice known as cayenne pepper. In case you may be slightly confused, red hot chili peppers are sometimes referred to as "cayenne peppers" as well.
(For more info on why I call it a medicinal herb instead of its proper classification as a spice, go to the Cayenne Pepper: Herb or Spice page.)�
Continuing, cayenne pepper has been used for centuries as a medicinal and culinary herb and undoubtedly most just think of them as "those hot red peppers" to be used for spicing up food or to be used primarily in cooking ethnic cuisine, but it is so much more.
Cayenne is said to have originated within Cayenne in French Guiana and is now produced or farmed in many parts of the world. It was one of the major foods of the Hunzas who are reported by many to have extraordinarily long lifespans, although this is debatable.�
It was also used quite extensively by the Aztecs and Mayans. In fact, historians assert it was a staple of the Aztec diet.
Cayenne is also revered in the alternative health community and chiefly by medicinal herbalists for its remarkable array of health benefits.
Cayenne Pepper and Heart Health
So, why is cayenne pepper so great for your health? What are its great health benefits? The health benefits of cayenne pepper are far reaching and astounding. So much so that many think its benefits are exaggerated.
Consider this: cayenne pepper, through the instrumentality of its secondary metabolite capsaicin (pronounced cap-say-sin),�is scientifically proven to kill prostate cancer cells, among other fantastic health benefits, and that is just the beginning as to the benefits of this humble, nondescript�herb.
Much scientific research has been initiated to validate what naturopathic practitioners have known for years: It can stop heart attacks, nourish the heart with vital nutrients, remove plaque from the arteries, help rebuild flesh destroyed or harmed by frostbite, heal hemorrhoids, re-build stomach tissue, heal�stomach ulcers,�fortify your overall health, and�mitigate the most wrenching of diseases.
Continuing, it improves circulation, rebuilds blood cells, lowers cholesterol, emulsifies triglycerides, removes toxins from
the bloodstream and�improves overall heart health.�It's even a great insect repellent.
As mentioned, it can also�heal ulcers, which seems contradictory considering its native calidity or heat. It immediately equalizes blood pressure in your system, shrinks hemorrhoids, and heals the gall bladder too.
It can be used as a diuretic as well helping in elimination both with urine and with built-up fecal matter in the intestines. It has wonderful, scientifically-proven antifungal properties as well.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. So, why haven't you heard of it? Because of money. I'm convinced Big Pharma knows about the remarkable healing properties of medicinal herbs and spices like cayenne pepper but they are not in the business of healing people but in making money.
In 2008, within the U.S. alone, Big Pharma sold $160 billion dollars of drugs -- $160 billion!!!
So, why sell a cholesterol-reducing drug when you can just take cayenne pepper and it will do the same while also removing plaque from your arterial walls without nasty side effects? Needless to say, it's clearly because cholesterol drugs like Lipitor make billions of dollars for their makers. (Lipitor makes on average $8 to $12 billion a year for Pfizer.)
That's billions with a "b" my friends.�Now you know why. I'd love to be wrong but I don't think I am. A�little
while�ago, I was in a local supermarket where cayenne was selling for $1.67 a pound! "This humble medicinal spice is probably the
greatest medicinal agent known to man and is readily affordable to all but many pass it by because of ignorance.�How sad that almost no
one knows about it," I thought.
Just the cayenne pepper and heart health linkage is enough to make this a truly remarkable medicinal herb, but its uses and benefits go far beyond that remedy.
Capsicum, or cayenne pepper, truly is a king among the herbal family and is one of the greatest health secrets of all time.�It is hot, yes, and tough to swallow, but that inconvenience is most tolerable when one considers that you can literally save your life and a bundle of money by taking it religiously.
The information in this site may be small but it's packed with information on the incredible health benefits of cayenne pepper, health benefits that can be yours. That said...
I'm not a medical doctor so any sharing of health educational information in this website should be taken as just that -- the sharing of educational information. Please see the disclaimer link on the navbar to your left�for more information. If you have any concerns about taking cayenne pepper,�consult your doctor.
In closing, let me�say this: Please do your own homework, research and objective thinking. Don't let anyone tell you how to think. If you are open minded, you will find some pearls of great price that will bless your health.
Indeed, if laughter is the best medicine, then cayenne is the second best. I truly believe you've found one of the greatest health secrets here for I and many before me have discovered for ourselves�the incredible health blessings of cayenne pepper.
I hope you will explore this site. My best to you.
Yours in health,
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Source: http://cayennepepper.info
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