Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Austria interested in our budget cuts

First, the Denver Post took a stab at reporting our city budget cuts.

And Colorado Springs' Libertarian and conservative majority let out a collective moan. Who were those fancy-pants Denverites to judge us.?

Then came the New York Times. And the Springs' right wing was hopping mad. Who were those big-city snobs to pick on us?

Well, I hate to say it guys, but the world isn't done with us quite yet.

I just got a call from ORF, the main TV network in Austria. Guess what? They want to do a story on our budget cuts.

I'm sure that means it's time for another rant and a self-righteous editorial in the Gazette. Maybe it will also spur a few people to actually try to solve the city's long-term unfunded problems, like road, bridge and storm drainage maintenance. (Oh look, I made a joke.)

On the bright side for my GOP friends, Austria's a little late to this story. City Council is looking at restoring services this year, not cutting them.

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Source: http://www.csindy.com/IndyBlog/archives/2010/10/25/austria-interested-in-our-budget-cuts

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