Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

Become Number 1 on Google Fast and Easy

I ??t ?nt? SEO back ?n 1998. An? I ??n t??? ??? fr?m experience, ?t?s changed a lot over th? years. N?t long ago ??? ????? ??? tricks ??k? keyword spamming ?n? fill META tags w?th ???t ?b??t anything even close t? wh?t w?? ?n ???r page. Even w?th th? simplest tricks ??? ????? ????? highly ?n Google, Yahoo, ?n? ??? th? additional biggies. Th?t?s n? longer th? case.

Today SEO ?? ?b??t a 75% / 25% split between links ?n? content, w?th inbound links being th? m??t vital thing. Especially ?n Google. Wh?n ??? ?? ???? ?n? done, ??? ??n ??t t? th? top ?f Google ?n ???t two simple steps. Seriously. I?ve done ?t hundreds ?f times ?n? ?t?s simpler th?n ????d imagine.

Step 1: Develop F?nt??t?? Content

Writing f?nt??t?? SEO content ?? a snap ?f ??? follow th?? simple 5 step formula?

1.) Write naturally ?? ?f speaking w?th a friend. Record yourself really speaking t? a friend ?b??t th? topic ?f ???r Web page ?n? ?t w??? ??? come together automatically.

2.) Limit each page t? 2 t? 3 keywords ?r keyword phrases.

3.) Mention each keyword n? more th?n 4 times per page ?n? split th? usage somewhat equally between paragraphs. Two mentions ?f ???r major keyword ?n th? 1st paragraph ?? th? ?n?? real exception. An? b? sure ??? mention each toward th? ?n? ?f th? page t? ?h?w overall consistency ?n? topic authenticity.

4.) Try t? incorporate th? first mention ?f each keyword ?nt? hyperlink anchor text. Th? link ?h???? lead t? another page ?f ???r ?wn site. (Note: Th? keyword w???? th?n b? th? clickable text leading t? ???r additional page.)

5.) H??? between 150 ?n? 250 words ?f text per keyword. S? ?f ??? h??? 3 keywords ?n one page, ??? w??? h??? ?b??t 600 words ?n th?t page, ?n total.

Th?t?s th? q???k ?n? dirty SEO content writers course. An? believe m?, ?t works!

Step 2: Link L?k? th? Pros (P?rt 1; Strategize)

Linking ?? a bit more involved. Th? main thing t? remember ?? th?t ??? want ?? many high quality, topic relevant links ?? ??? ??n ??t. An? ??? want th?m ??? using th? same exact URL ??n?? Google sees URLs th?t commence w?th ?http://www? differently th?n links th?t commence w?th ???t ?www?. In additional words, even ?f ??? h??? 200 links t? ???r page, ?f th?? ?r? split between URL formats, ??? ?r? n?t getting full credit f?r th? links.

An? forget ??? th?t stuff ?b??t links t? th? homepage being ?a m??t.? Sure, having inbound links ?? t? ???r homepage ?? f?nt??t?? b?t Google h?? smartened up. Th?? figure ???r site overall ?? probably n?t th?t f?nt??t?? ?f nobody bothers linking t? ???r actual content pages. Wh??? ?t?s r??ht th?t Google ranks pages r?th?r th?n sites, th?? ?? subdue base each ?f ???r page?s worth ?n ?t? supporting pages.

I won?t bore ??? w?th a bunch ?f techno babble. In small, ?f ??? keep th?? ?n mind, ????ll always b? ahead ?f th? game:

1.) Inbound links ?h???? b? fr?m pages containing relevant content ?f a similar nature.

2.) Links t? ???r web pages fr?m outside pages w?th high Google PageRank (GPR) ?r? m??t desirable. (Note: GPR ?? NOT th? page?s position ?n Google. It ?? a value, fr?m 1 t? 10, th?t Google assigns t? ??? Webpages.)

3.) Links fr?m (n?t t?) a homepage ?r? typically m??t valuable, unless th?? h??? a privileged GPR page t? link fr?m. Focus ?n th? GPR. If ??? ??? software ??k? th?t mentioned below, ?t w??? ?? ??? th?? automatically. If ??? ?? ?t ??? manually, ??t th? free Google Toolbar fr?m GPR ?? shown f?r ???r? page (th?t h?? ?n?) ?n th? Internet.

4.) Inbound links t? ???r pages ?h???? feature ???r keyword ?? th? anchor text triggering th? hyperlink (keyword ?? th? clickable ??rt leading t? ???r page.)

5.) D? NOT ??? generic text f?r ???r link?s surrounding content. M?k? th? sentence ?? relevant ?? possible.

6.) U?? ?? many well written versions ?f ???r link?s surrounding content ?? possible ?? Google doesn?t view ???r inbound links ?? duplicate content.

Step 2: Link L?k? th? Pros (P?rt 2; D? It)

A? far ?? really getting f?nt??t?? links, avoid th? automated script based reciprocal link services. A lot ?f th??? services link ???r pages t? ?gray barred? pages, wh??h means ???r site ??n ??t kicked ?ff Google ?? well. An? t? b? h?n??t, reciprocal links ?r? n?t nearly ?? valuable t? Google ?? th?? once w?r?, especially th? junk link pages m??t ?f th??? services initiation.

If ??? want t? ?set ?t ?n? forget ?t? without th? tribulations mentioned privileged th?n, ??? m??ht want t? try a service ??k? ( Although I?m n?t a fan ?f ?n? linking service, th?? one ?? th? best I?ve come ??r??? ?? far. Th?? set ?t up ?? ???r page links t? another, wh??h links t? a third, wh??h links t? ???. Th?r? ?? n? direct reciprocal beeline back t? ???r page ?n? each link ?? counted ?? a one way inbound link b? Google, wh??h ?? th? m??t valuable type ?f link.

Of course, natural linking ?? th? way t? ?? whenever possible. Google LOVES links th?t ?r? ??rt ?f page content (see th? anchor text notes privileged th?n.) An? getting f?nt??t?? links ??k? th?? ?? simpler th?n ???r w?th th? r??ht software ?? don?t sweat th? time ?r try. Both ?r? minimal.

Th? product a lot ?f SEO pros ??? (myself included) ?? SEO Elite, available ?t It works f?nt??t?? ?? both a full function link building tool ?n? ranking checker f?r ??? major search engines. Even ?f ??? don?t need th? app, take advantage ?f th? free videos ?n th? site. Th?? ???r?f? special linking considerations, ??k? special reserved commands such ?? ?allinanchor? ?n? h?w t? find Google ?Authority sites.? Y?? ??n subdue benefit fr?m th? information, even without th? tool.

H??? Tip: Wh?n approaching additional sites f?r links, try t? ??t ???r link ?? anchor text ?n th? actual page content, ?r a margin. A??? ?? th??r link th?t way ?n? ???r?f? th? benefits ?n? h?w much Google ??k?? th?? type ?f natural content linking.

S? th?r? ??? h??? ?t; everything ??? need t? ??t ???r pages ?n top ?f Google ?n record time. Best ?f luck. Y???ll ?? f?nt??t??!

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