We are from the US, in our 50\'s and thinking about moving to EU (Italy?) long term - any info/advice welcome!
We hope to find a relatively warm, sunny climate where the people are friendly, accepting and easy-going, and where we have fewer worries about becoming victims of violent crime. It would be wonderful to live among people who are less concerned with making money and noise, violating nature and having no regard for their neighbors. Imagine a life in a serene natural setting among people who measure success in terms of health, happiness and well-being. We\'ve exhausted the US and have pretty much come to the conclusion that we need to expand our search! We\'ve never been to europe but are currently planning an open-ended trip there to explore the people and cultures. We think maybe summers in Scandinavia and winters in southern Italy? Any advice from Europeans or expat Americans would be greatly appreciated! What are European attitudes toward American immigrants? Are we looking for something that doesn\'t really exist in the world anymore (if ever?)
Answer :
Oook, first of all: good luck :) Then: what do you mean with warm weather? I live in the north in a city (Trieste) where the wind blows very hard in autumn and winter and we can get even -5�C but i understend most of the cityes at our latitude in USA are much, much colder. Italians can be divided into two large groups: Southers which are hot blooded, very noisy, very caothic, always discussing, very friendly and opend to strangers and Northers which are more cold blooded, less noisy, very strict , always discussing, less friendly and open.. the difference have to be tryed to see how much to you care about it.. Personally i like my city, we\'re less strict and more cold blooded than the rest of northeners here around but still are much less caothic then the southeners thanks to the asburgic heritage. Advice for a long term moving? Try first. Get yourself a holyday OUT of the normal touristic circle, rent an apartment or stay in a residence, anything but cook yourself, don\'t be served. Try, talk, discovery and see how it is. Do you like the sea? Do you prefer the country or the mountains? Try smaller cityes but yet big enough. IMHO i would definitely live here, in Trieste..
Source : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060808132405AAltwEa
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... a native-born American has with immigrants, the more likely ... and most recently immigrants from Latin American countries are often viewed with hostility. ...
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Source: http://expat-health-insurance.blogspot.com/2009/09/we-are-from-us-in-our-50-and-thinking.html
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