Freitag, 17. Juni 2011 Ltd provides background to the Equality Bill 2010

(1888PressRelease) October 19, 2010 - In order to achieve this, there were a number of key areas that the Bill intended to strengthen. Firstly, establishing a general public duty is important. HEIs will have to consider how their policies, programmes and service delivery will affect people with the protected characteristics - with similar assessments to the Disability Discrimination Act. Secondly, the Bill was also intended to extend the range of lawful positive action, extend the circumstance in which a person is protected against discrimination, harassment or victimisation. Thirdly, the Bill will allow employment tribunals to make recommendations to employers.

The most important aspect is to protect people that fall into the protected characteristics category. These include age, disability discrimination, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion and timescale.

The Bill received Royal Assent in spring 2010 and the majority of the Bill is expected to come into force in autumn 2010, with the general public duty following in 2011.

The Government Equalities Office website states that 'the Government is committed to creating a fair society with fair chances for everyone. For this to be achieved, people must have the chance to live their lives freely and fulfill their potential. Inequality and discrimination are at the heart of this problem'. Ltd continues to back the Equalities Bill; with a blog to provide information, visit Ltd is a disability consultation and service provider offering high-quality, cost-effective solutions to employers, businesses and individuals. With over 16 years' experience specialising in Occupational Therapy, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) and Vocational Rehabilitation, our solid client base spreads across London and the South-East.

Our staff our dedicated, experienced and friendly and we always aim to provide a service of the highest quality which aims to exceed service level agreements.


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