Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Washington Post columnist declares Palin-free zone

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.

Seriously. Why is it always about Sarah?

Let's face it folks, this country has a bizarre obsession with a political used-to-be, gun-toting, tweet-crazy mommy in Alaska. There is, in fact, no better reason at this point for us to be obsessed with Sarah Palin than Snooki from Jersey Shore. (Yeah, yeah, if Palin ever runs for president we'll have an excuse again, but until then ...) And yet, we can't shut up about her.

The whole country is like a pimply teenage boy obsessed with the head cheerleader ? we're inventing reasons to think Palin is interesting, when, in fact, we all just think she looks pretty good in a skirt.

Anyways, the Washington Post is hardly the first to note ? or loudly criticize ? our little issue. But columnist Dana Milbank's pledge not to mention Palin for a month (a whole freakin' month!) is pretty amusing.

As Milbank notes:

Though Palin was no longer a candidate, or even a public official, we in the press discovered that the mere mention of her name could vault our stories onto the most-viewed list. Palin, feeding this co-dependency and indulging the news business's endless desire for conflict, tweeted provocative nuggets that would help us keep her in the public eye - so much so that this former vice presidential candidate gets far more coverage than the actual vice president.

We need help.

Well said. Read the rest here.

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