Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

Task Coach 1.2.8: Designed to assist you in compiling tasks

Screen shot Task Coach 1.2.8

Task Coach 1.2.8 was designed to assist you in compiling tasks. The program was the result of dissatisfaction with available today menezherami tasks such as Outlook or Lotus Notes, which do not have the tools to create complex tasks. Often the problem or an important business consists of several steps. Task Coach 1.2.8 is able to make complex tasks.

Organize our work and to-dos that have to do is critical if we take the time to the maximum. A good option to do so simply is used as a task manager Task Coach 1.2.8.

With Task Coach 1.2.8 can create and manage multiple lists of tasks in a simple and organized, something that helps a lot a very minimalist interface that hayaremos accessible all program options.

Task Coach 1.2.8 allows you to manage task lists using categories created by the user. In this way everyone can organize their own way, without being tied to an initial framework. The categories can be identified with colors to find more quickly, or you can use to filter the tasks that remain outstanding.

In every task that we will have a field to record anything, and if not we can always create enough subtasks attached to Task Coach 1.2.8 display nested in the tree view interface.

In short, this is a simple and efficient, and who is able to sort your ideas on paper, Task Coach 1.2.8 will have no mystery.

Size: 8.67 MB
Publisher: Visit Website
Release Date: 2011-1-24
OS: Win 9x/ME/2K/NT/XP/Vista

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Task Coach 1.2.8

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