Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

monthly network administrators

monthly network administrator for hire

The Monthly Administrator Program includes:

  • Technical support and administrative work each month
  • You will receive itemized time sheets detailing work performed
  • Priority support level - our technicians drop everything when you need help ? placing you ahead of non-priority client appointments
  • Customized backup services
  • Discounted rates for additional service hours
  • Performance Tuning, Browser Clean-up, and Security Patch Installations
  • Security monitoring and best practices implemented at client?s discretion.
  • You select the hours required - typically covers administrative needs for companies with 10-50 users. Initial 1-2 months may require additional hours to get all workstations and servers secured, updated, and optimized.
  • Printer maintenance service
  • Technical support
    Not only do you have trained professionals looking after your network and data, but you get these services at a huge discount! Technical support includes:
  • An average of 2 on-site visits per month
  • Remote and phone support and Monitoring of backups
  • Wired and wireless network installations
  • New computer configuration
  • User and computer administration including creating new user accounts and archiving email/files as needed
  • Technical support with software such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access
  • Ensuring servers are updated with latest security patches
  • Monitoring servers and files for unauthorized access
  • Basic user training on computer security and email best practices
  • Documentation for users concerning computing best practices
  • Monthly computing tips & tricks newsletter
  • Engineers available for meetings concerning IT expansion, integration, upgrades, and projects integrating databases and new software technology into your current environment

Priority support level
By implementing our monthly administrator service plan, your company is boosted to our Priority Client list. This means that when you call, our technicians with drop all non-priority customer calls to assist you with your issue.

Customized backup services
You could easily spend thousands of dollars trying to recover from a major crash, fire, or theft. Without good, current backups, it may not even be possible for you to recover fully. When you consider the amount of time and money you could spend simply trying to recreate everything you have done with your computer system, you will see that spending a few dollars every month to help protect your hard work is well worth it.

We customize backup solutions to fit your environment and provide maximum protection for your corporation.

Discount hourly rate
By becoming a Priority Client you are entitled to our discount hourly rates. This means huge savings for you for any additional work you may need throughout the month.

Monthly maintenance
Part of the maintenance program includes ensuring that each computer on your network has current virus definitions, security patches, and software updates. By taking the time to handle these updates for you, we are taking the burden of keeping your computers virus & spy ware free off of your shoulders.

Printer maintenance
Regular maintenance will extend the life of your printers. Maintenance includes blowing out dust particles and removing ink residue from internal components.

Security Monitoring
Part of our monthly schedule can include intrusion detection for your servers and employee education about computer-related security issues. We may also help you implement strict security policies helping you comply with HIPAA standards as well as ensuring the most secure environment possible.

Initial Setup
The first month of service may consist of 10-60 hours of technical support time depending on the number of servers and workstations in your environment and the initial tasks you wish performed. This additional initial time spent includes the complete evaluation of each computer on your network, spyware and virus removal, software updates and patches, and imaging of key computers to ensure rapid recovery in case of a major computer crash or disaster.

If you prefer, we can spread our initial setup procedures over the first few months of your services. We do not recommend this unless you fully understand that this may impact our ability to quickly recover your servers, files, and workstations until we are able to fully complete our initial setup procedures.

Technician Qualifications
Our technicians hold certifications by Microsoft, Citrix, Novell, as well as other specialty software. Each has a minimum of three years server administration experience (seven years average). Our job is to perform in a manner that will not disrupt your daily routine. To accomplish this, we perform a good portion of maintenance tasks remotely. On-site visits occur monthly and when requested by the client. Our technicians are always available for meetings and technical education sessions.

Get your personal Information Technology Team today!

1 month free with 1 year pre-paid.
Give us a call today to have a technician come out for a free consultation!

Fee Schedule:
$500/month - $95/hr for additional work over 8 hours ($125 for emergency/after hours)
$1000/month - $85/hr for additional work over 16 hours ($110 for emergency/after hours)
$1500/month - $75/hr for additional work over 24 hours ($95 for emergency/after hours)
$2000/month - $65/hr for additional work over 32 hours ($85 for emergency/after hours)

***If services are workstation-only (non-administrative work), the charge per hour for on-site work is only $75/hr***

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