Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

Aren't those with private health insurance already paying for the care of others?

Aren't those with private health insurance already paying for the care of others?
The whole theory of insurance is that a large group pays in every month while they are healthy so that those few who get sick can get care when they need it. That means that you are already paying for other peoples health care. How is that any different from having a national plan that takes care of sick citizens while taking a portion in taxes from each worker? Private insurers generally pay out 60-65 cents of each dollar collected in benefits. National providers pay more like 90-95 cents on the dollar. Can anybody clear this up for me?

Answer :
Where did your figures come from? It is the number going to the ER that is a major factor in the rising costs. Especially the illegals.
Source :
Related to private health insurance :

Urban Dictionary: insurance
insurance car money fire health sales dealer salesman ass policy scam sex ass ... came because management had spent all the premium on hookers and private jets. ...

Health insurance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Today, most comprehensive private health insurance programs cover the cost of ... Some private health insurers are 'for profit' enterprises, and some are ...

Health insurance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Today, most comprehensive private health insurance programs cover the cost of ... Some private health insurers are 'for profit' enterprises, and some are ...

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