Sonntag, 12. Juni 2011

Does your Computer Really Need Tech Support

Tips and How To

While experienced computer users can easily make a correct diagnosis out of observable signs and symptoms exhibited by their PCs, the rest of us barely have a clue as to whether or not something is really wrong with our computers. Although some problems may require an expert to fix, most glitches can easily be corrected without the need for a technician. So how do you really tell if your computer really requires repair? Here are tips on how to check:

  • Learning to Eliminate
    Unless you are experienced at diagnosing what ails your computer, the best thing you can do is to try to determine the problem by elimination. First, find out the symptoms and then consider the most possible causes and eliminate those that are not plausible. This will help you discover the most possible explanation for the problem. From there, you can decide whether or not your computer really requires repair.
  • Learning to Scan
    Many of the problems manifested by the computer are caused by malware such as viruses, spyware and adware. As long as your computer and antivirus software are updated, you can perform a regular scan to check for any infection. In most cases, common problems are solved this way, although others may require you to download patches to correct any errors and vulnerabilities.
  • No Power
    If your computer won?t turn on, don?t immediately assume you?ll need professional help. Check if it?s connected to a power outlet and then check if there is power. Next, check the power button and the connections for the cables. If using a battery to run a laptop, determine if the battery has been sufficiently charged. Only when you?ve checked all possible scenarios and still failed should you consider having your computer repaired.
  • Slowpoke Computer
    A slow computer may not always be a sign that it really requires repair. It may be because you?re running a lot of programs that may be too much of a burden for the amount of memory your computer has. Try to close programs you don?t need and delete stuff you have no use for. Empty your recycle bin right after. Defrag your system to re-organize your files.

If these steps still don?t fix your problem, it may either be because you need more memory or that there?s something in your system that requires a checkup from the professionals.

  • Missing Drivers
    This usually comes as a surprise, when your computer shows a message indicating that a device is missing. If you are quite sure that drivers for hardware you?re using have already been installed, try to re-install them using the appropriate CDs. In minor cases, that should fix the problem. If the problem continues or if your computer exhibits even stranger symptoms, that?s a clear sign that you really need to have it repaired.
  • The need to Reboot now and then
    Frequent rebooting is often the result of a system freezing or hanging up. This is when the computer screen just simply stops reacting to what you do and nothing you can do to the keyboard or the mouse seems to work. The only way to make the system work again is to press the reboot button. If this happens, then it?s a sign that you shouldn?t try to fix it yourself because your computer really requires repair.

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